Why River Cruising Is Better Than Ocean Cruising

I know that it is a shocking headline, but it can be argued that River cruising is BETTER than ocean cruising. I can think of numerous advantages.

On the other hand, given the millions of people that take ocean cruising, the global preference is the latter. I can also think of many advantages of ocean cruising.

However, I wonder how many ocean cruise passengers have been river cruising too. I guess it is only a small fraction.

The numbers of people taking an ocean cruise is currently at the 30 million level, believe it or not. Much of the worlds river cruising takes, place in Europe. Up to date figures are not easy to find, but I believe 1.5 million people took a river cruise in 2023.

Ocean cruising is of course highly developed, with a long history. For example, carnival ocean cruising was formed in 1972. There are around 300 cruise ships in the world. River cruising is still younger, growing and evolving. Viking river cruises was only formed in 1997.

However, it is worth noting that today one cruise ship can often accommodate more passengers than twenty river boats can. This must in part, account for the dramatically higher passengers numbers of ocean cruising. I also assume that the fact that rivers have a limited capacity, compared to the worlds ocean, this automatically restricts river cruising growth. The high fares of river cruising, partially due to small boats (no economies of scale) does not help, either.


Q: Have you done both? What’s your thoughts?

2 Responses to “Why River Cruising Is Better Than Ocean Cruising”

  1. Malcolm Oliver Says:

    HI Bruce, maybe you need to take 25 river cruises to compare! :-). In reality both have their strong points.

  2. Bruce Tucker Says:

    We have completed both types and are strongly in favour of ocean cruising against river cruising.

    Admittedly we have only taken one river cruise, but this was with an expensive and supposedly up market line where catering, accommodation and overall standards fell far short of our sea going experience.

    It was the worst cruise we have ever completed and wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.

    We have taken in the region of twenty five sea cruises, mainly on smaller ships and not one has ever fallen below expectations.

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